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We bike together

Training and trail mapping in Europe

European project

The project “We bike together – training and trail mapping in Europe” aims at promoting inclusive sport among disable and able-bodied bike lovers.Handbike is a new sport in the Paralympic context that allows disabled people to practice this sport together with able-bodied people, even at avocational level. Sport is often really difficult to be practiced by disabled, because of the lack of specific equipment, trainers and moreover a reliable informative infrastructure.Nowadays it is really difficult to find directions about trails for disabled bikers and people that would like to accompany disabled during handbike trips are not well trained. 

aim of the project

- MAP handbike-practicable off-road trails/routes in the European countries involved in the partnership;
- TRAIN volunteers and create guidelines (in OERs resources) on how to accompany disabled people while practicing handbike;
- PROMOTE SPORT among physical and sensorial disabled people, during a final international event for avocational handbikers and bikers


  • NATSIONALNA SPORTNA AKADEMIYA VASSIL LEVSKI: a Bulgarian national sport academy,
  • PLAY AND TRAIN JUGAR Y ENTRENAR: a Spanish regional sport club in Girona,
  • MUNICIPIO DE AGUEDA: a Portuguese municipality in the Aveiro district, attracting cycling-related businesses, networks and activities


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partner tecnico

Boreal Mapping

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